Schedule Change Policy
We understand that life happens. If you ever need to reschedule one of your cleaning appointments with our Fairy Clean-monthers, fear not!
Rescheduling Is as Easy as a Wave of a Wand!
- Your request will apply only to the date you specify, so no worries about your regular cleaning schedule. If you have multiple dates to reschedule, simply fill out separate forms for each. If you need to make bigger changes, give our office a call, and we’ll work our magic!
Late Change and Cancellation Fee: Enchanted Rules
If you make changes less than 48 hours before your scheduled date, there’s a friendly fee of $100. This helps compensate our hardworking fairy clean-mother’s for the loss of income.
Rescheduling a Recurring Cleaning: No Extra Magic Required!
For our Recurring Cleaning customers, you have the power to reschedule an upcoming cleaning for any day before the next scheduled one, at no extra charge (excluding Late Change Fees, if applicable). Just use our Reschedule Request Form, and we’ll do our best to make it happen! If you need to change your entire Recurring Cleaning schedule, please contact our office.
Skipping a Recurring Cleaning: A Word of Caution from Fairy Clean-monthers
In the magical world of cleaning, skipping can be a bit tricky! But we’ve got some good news for you. When you are a Recurring Cleaning customer, your first 2 skips are free of charge. After that, if you decide to skip a Recurring Cleaning, a $50 Skip Fee will be added to the catch-up cleaning.
If you ever need assistance or have questions, don’t hesitate to reach at 949-447-4602.